
Mitel OpenScape 4000 Manager installation and basic configuration for service - OS4MASESCS

OpenScape 4000 Manager Service is a course for service personnel. The course contents include the connection of OpenScape 4000 systems to the OpenScape 4000 Manager. After an overview of the manager services, special applications such as the XIE interface and the SNMP agent proxy are also carried out. After completing the course, the participant can, among other things, install or upgrade the OpenScape 4000 Manager software on the released platforms, connect client PC's via LAN to the server, install and configure the necessary software on the Windows PC's and the individual ones Set up services and adapt them to customer needs.

Learning objectives

The participant can

  • install the OpenScape 4000 Manager software on the shared hardware platforms and VMware,
  • connect OpenScape 4000 attachments to the manager,
  • connect client PC's to the server via LAN, install and configure necessary software on the Windows PC's,
  • set up the individual users and services and adapt them to customer needs,
  • understand the functionality of each service and its dependencies,
  • perform data backup and restore of the system.


  • Install OpenScape 4000 Manager on VMware
  • Connection of OpenScape 4000 systems
  • User and client management
  • Software Management (Upgrade and Hotfixes)
  • XIE interface
  • Stack generator
  • SNMP proxy agent
  • Data backup and restore
  • Practical exercise


  • Basic knowledge of OpenScape 4000 systems and the Assistant (course: Mitel OpenScape 4000 - Basic Course for Service OS4BAS1SCS or Mitel OpenScape 4000 Basic Information for Administrators OS4MAD1SCS)
  • Basic knowledge of Linux and Unix in general

Additional information

The course will be carried out in the released version at that time.

At a glance

Course Nr. : OS4MASESCS
Duration : 5 Days
Price: 2.980,00 € plus VAT
3.546,20 € incl. Vat


Request information

Target audience

Service personnel

Book course

Date on request

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