
VMW_NSXICM4 - VMware NSX: Install, Configure, Manage [V4.0]

Dieser fünftägige Kurs bietet eine umfassende Schulung zur Installation, Konfiguration und Verwaltung einer VMware NSX®-Umgebung. Dieser Kurs behandelt die wichtigsten Features und Funktionen der Versionen NSX und NSX 4.0.1, einschließlich der gesamten Infrastruktur, logisches Switching, logisches Routing, Netzwerk- und Sicherheitsdienste, Firewalls und erweiterte Bedrohungsabwehr und mehr.

Produktausrichtung: NSX, NSX 4.0.1

Learning objectives

Am Ende des Kurses sollten Sie in der Lage sein, die folgenden Ziele zu erreichen:

  • Describe the architecture and main components of NSX
  • Explain the features and benefits of NSX
  • Deploy the NSX Management cluster and VMware NSX® Edge™ nodes
  • Prepare VMware ESXi™ hosts to participate in NSX networking
  • Create and configure segments for layer 2 forwarding
  • Create and configure Tier-0 and Tier-1 gateways for logical routing
  • Use distributed and gateway firewall policies to filter east-west and north-south traffic in NSX
  • Configure Advanced Threat Prevention features
  • Configure network services on NSX Edge nodes
  • Use VMware Identity Manager™ and LDAP to manage users and access
  • Explain the use cases, importance, and architecture of Federation


  • Course Introduction
    • Introductions and course logistics
    • Course objectives
  • VMware Virtual Cloud Network and VMware NSX
    • Introduce the VMware Virtual Cloud Network vision
    • Describe the NSX product portfolio
    • Discuss NSX features, use cases, and benefits
    • Explain NSX architecture and components
    • Explain the management, control, data, and consumption planes and their functions.
  • Preparing the NSX Infrastructure
    • Deploy VMware NSX® ManagerTM nodes on ESXi hypervisors
    • Navigate through the NSX UI
    • Explain data plane components such as N-VDS/VDS, transport nodes, transport zones, profiles, and more
    • Perform transport node preparation and configure the data plane infrastructure
    • Verify transport node status and connectivity
    • Explain DPU-based acceleration in NSX
    • Install NSX using DPUs
  • NSX Logical Switching
    • Introduce key components and terminology in logical switching
    • Describe the function and types of L2 segments
    • Explain tunneling and the Geneve encapsulation
    • Configure logical segments and attach hosts using NSX UI
    • Describe the function and types of segment profiles
    • Create segment profiles and apply them to segments and ports
    • Explain the function of MAC, ARP, and TEP tables used in packet forwarding
    • Demonstrate L2 unicast packet flow
    • Explain ARP suppression and BUM traffic handling
  • NSX Logical Routing
    • Describe the logical routing function and use cases
    • Introduce the two-tier routing architecture, topologies, and components
    • Explain the Tier-0 and Tier-1 gateway functions
    • Describe the logical router components: Service Router and Distributed Router
    • Discuss the architecture and function of NSX Edge nodes
    • Discuss deployment options of NSX Edge nodes
    • Configure NSX Edge nodes and create NSX Edge clusters
    • Configure Tier-0 and Tier-1 gateways
    • Examine single-tier and multitier packet flows
    • Configure static routing and dynamic routing, including BGP and OSPF
    • Enable ECMP on a Tier-0 gateway
    • Describe NSX Edge HA, failure detection, and failback modes
    • Configure VRF Lite
  • NSX Bridging
    • Describe the function of logical bridging
    • Discuss the logical bridging use cases
    • Compare routing and bridging solutions
    • Explain the components of logical bridging
    • Create bridge clusters and bridge profiles
  • NSX Firewalls
    • Describe NSX segmentation
    • Identify the steps to enforce Zero-Trust with NSX segmentation
    • Describe the Distributed Firewall architecture, components, and function
    • Configure Distributed Firewall sections and rules
    • Configure the Distributed Firewall on VDS
    • Describe the Gateway Firewall architecture, components, and function
    • Configure Gateway Firewall sections and rules
  • NSX Advanced Threat Prevention
    • Explain NSX IDS/IPS and its use cases
    • Configure NSX IDS/IPS
    • Deploy NSX Application Platform
    • Identify the components and architecture of NSX Malware Prevention
    • Configure NSX Malware Prevention for east-west and north-south traffic
    • Describe the use cases and architecture of VMware NSX® Intelligence™
    • Identify the components and architecture of VMware NSX® Network Detection and Response™
    • Use NSX Network Detection and Response to analyze network traffic events.
  • NSX Services
    • Explain and configure Network Address Translation (NAT)
    • Explain and configure DNS and DHCP services
    • Describe VMware NSX® Advanced Load Balancer™ architecture, components, topologies, and use cases.
    • Configure NSX Advanced Load Balancer
    • Discuss the IPSec VPN and L2 VPN function and use cases
    • Configure IPSec VPN and L2 VPN using the NSX UI
  • NSX User and Role Management
    • Describe the function and benefits of VMware Identity Manager™ in NSX
    • Integrate VMware Identity Manager with NSX
    • Integrate LDAP with NSX
    • Identify the various types of users, authentication policies, and permissions
    • Use role-based access control to restrict user access
    • Explain object-based access control in NSX
  • NSX Federation
    • Introduce the NSX Federation key concepts, terminology, and use cases.
    • Explain the onboarding process of NSX Federation
    • Describe the NSX Federation switching and routing functions.
    • Describe the NSX Federation security concepts.


  • Gute Kenntnisse der TCP/IP-Dienste und -Protokolle
  • Kenntnisse und Berufserfahrung im Bereich Computernetzwerke, einschließlich Switching- und Routing-Technologien (L2 bis L3) und L2- bis L7-Firewall
  • Kenntnisse und Arbeitserfahrung mit VMware vSphere®-Umgebungen
  • Kenntnisse und Arbeitserfahrung mit Kubernetes oder VMware vSphere® mit VMware Tanzu® Umgebungen

Solides Verständnis der in den folgenden Kursen vorgestellten Konzepte:

  • Technische Kernkompetenzen für VMware Virtual Cloud Network
  • VMware-Rechenzentrumsvirtualisierung: Technische Kernkompetenzen
  • Kubernetes-Grundlagen

Additional information

Die VMware Trainings bieten wir in Kooperation mit unserem Partner Arrow ECS Education, autorisiertes VMware Training Center, an.

At a glance

Course Nr. : VMW_NSXICM4
Duration : 5 Days
Price: 3.440,00 € plus VAT
4.093,60 € incl. Vat


Request information

Target audience

Erfahrene Sicherheitsadministratoren oder Netzwerkadministratoren


Location Date
München 10.03.2025–14.03.2025
Virtual Classroom 10.03.2025–14.03.2025
Virtual Classroom 02.06.2025–06.06.2025
Virtual Classroom 21.07.2025–25.07.2025
Virtual Classroom 06.10.2025–10.10.2025
Virtual Classroom 01.12.2025–05.12.2025

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